Ant is a small insect typically having a sting and living in a complex social colony with one or more breeding queens. It is wingless except for fertile adults, which form large mating swarms, and is proverbial for its industriousness.

Ant reproduction

Ants undergo complete metamorphosis—from egg, to larva, to pupa, to adult. Each ant colony begins with, and centers on, the queen, whose sole purpose is to reproduce. Although the queen may copulate with several males during her brief mating period, she never mates again. She stores sperm in an internal pouch, the sperm theca, near the tip of her abdomen, where sperm remain immobile until she opens a valve that allows them to enter her reproductive tract to fertilize the eggs.

Danger of Ants

Some ants are dangerous to our homes, businesses, outbuildings, and belongings as they are known to damage wood. Others, even though they are only referred to as nuisance ants, can actually be dangerous to our health and well being as they are able to spread harmful bacteria. Ant invasion is annoying, but it can also be dangerous to your health and your home, depending on the type of ant you’re dealing with. What can you do to stop this problem? If you take some time to figure out where ants are entering the house, you can track them back to a nest. It’s easiest if you kill all the ants in sight, then watch for new ants to appear to determine their general entry point. This may give clues to holes that need to be sealed up, rotting foundation where they’re living, or cracks under doors where they’re traveling under. If you want to know how to get rid of ants, it’s helpful to know what type of ant it is.

            Different ants require different approaches. Knowing the ant helps with determining what its favorite foods are and where it is likely to nest.” For example, odorous ants are attracted to sugar, while protein ants are drawn to meat.

Carpenter ants

Carpenter ants live in wood and tunnel through it. You will find carpenter ant nests in moist wood in foundations, decks, woodpiles, trees, gaps between boards, etc.

 Special Considerations for Carpenter Ants

Carpenter Ants are most active in the evening hours when looking for food, both inside the house and outside. Carpenter ants do not eat the wood for food, but they will tunnel into the wood to make nests. By observing ants at night, you may be able to tell where to spray. Treating the nest itself is the best solution for Carpenter ant control. Unless the entire nest is effectively treated, the colony may simply scatter.

To prevent further Carpenter Ant infestations:

  • Place carpenter Ant Baits on the Ant trails.
  • Correct moisture problems such as leaky roofs and plumbing.
  • Trim all trees and bushes so branches do not touch the house.
  • Paint and seal exposed wood construction before it becomes wet.
  • Remove dead stumps on the property and store firewood off the ground and away from the structure.

Ways to control Ants

  • Eliminate food sources

Most ants make their way into homes because of the presence of food. Store away all food in tightly-sealed containers and vacuum the house thoroughly until there are no crumbs left on the floor.

  • Remove Sources of Water

Water is another common reason for ant home invasions, especially in places with dry weather. Checking for leaking faucets around the house and get rid of all stagnant water.

  • Seal the House Exterior

Try to repair any openings along the house exterior that may act as an entrance point for ants. This includes wall cracks, power outlets, and loose window frames. Ant may try to find shelter in homes during bad weather.

  • Avoid Squashing the Ants

Stepping on ants will trigger the release of a scent called oleic acid, which may attract more ants to rush to their dead comrade. The scent may also activate an ant’s self-defense mode and cause them to scatter.

  • For immediate evacuation contact EOA pest control today we will be glad to help you eliminate this unwanted Pest from your home or offices